Tom Zender: CEO Mentor - Facts
What is CEO Mentoring?
CEO Mentoring is a relationship where an experienced expert guides and supports the expansion of small and medium size businesses, building upon the existing strengths of the CEO and their organization to achieve growth and sustainable success.
Why is a CEO Mentor valuable?
Many business CEO’s and their organizations achieve a level of success, yet want to accelerate growth and achieve a greater sustainable success. Some signposts on this path can include:
- Results are not in synch with the organization’s strengths.
- The organization is working harder without commensurate results.
- Their vision, mission, values may not be completely clear and communicated.
What results can be expected from CEO Mentoring?
CEO’s reach their next level of sustainable success by:
- Strategies - clarifying and communicating their highest vision mission and values.
- Solutions - creating ideas that overcome obstacles and risks.
- Success - implementing an ideal roadmap for effective actions.
Who benefits from an experienced CEO Mentor?
CEO clients who have an expert mentor with long, broad and deep executive experience:
- Acquire a trusted guide and sounding board for their business concerns, ideas and decisions.
- Receive counsel in developing solid goals, plans and actions.
- Gain devoted support from an expert who is committed to their success.
How does a CEO Mentor typically work with a client?
They meet regularly in a customized manner where the mentor:
- Asks thought provoking questions, listens deeply and provides thoughtful feedback.
- Interacts to clearly identify the true obstacles that are blocking the next level of success.
- Facilitates the discovery of creative new strategies and actions to achieve sustainable growth.
What is Tom Zender’s business background?
Leadership roles at GE and Honeywell, small and midsize businesses, and nonprofits:
- Senior vice president in NYSE and NASDAQ listed corporations
- CEO of startup businesses and a global nonprofit institution.
- Board member of U.S. and Canadian public corporations.
What is Tom Zender’s uniqueness?
He uses his extensive business and life experiences for the best interests of his clients:
- Successful business leadership in major corporations, small businesses and nonprofits.
- Ongoing transformation to his higher purpose and values in work and life.
- Bestselling author of business ethics books and columnist for the Phoenix Business Journal.
75% of CEO’s interviewed by the Association of Talent Development (ATD) acknowledged that having a good mentor was fundamental to their success.